It's been a little over a week since we arrived in Hong Kong. It's been alternately exciting, terrifying, overwhelming and amazing. My dreams have been very vivid and strange (although they are often strange - I once had a dream that my cat was wearing a police uniform. I won't tell you the rest or you might think I'm bonkers!). After my second day of work I had a dream that I just went home. But being a dream, of course it wasn't actually my home but some bizarro home where strangers had inhabited the place and made a mess of it to boot! They were also letting my cat, Owen, wander around outside. I yelled at them - " What are you doing ? I told you he is an indoor cat!". Naturally, they disregarded me and kept letting him outside so I had to keep yelling at them. I woke up exhausted. The funny thing is that I know my home and my cat are in such good hands right now that I have nothing to worry about on that front!
The first week of work was really busy. Lots of meetings. I worked until 6:30 - 7:00 PM Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The office is very quiet. This I am not used to and find a bit disconcerting. My office is NJ is a bustling place where everyone is either on the phone or talking to a colleague about a situation or project. I am finding that I don't like quiet in the workplace and I miss my work peeps a lot. The other difference is that even though I am in Hong Kong, I have quite a bit of dealings with people in our NY office. So it's kind of like being on a 24-hour work cycle. I am reading my emails at ALL hours of the day and night.
This picture is of a place called Megabox.

Hong Kong has got to have more mall/shopping/food emporiums than anywhere in the world. This one is a block away from my office and is filled with shops and restaurants, even an Ikea for when I have a hankering for some Swedish meatballs! It really stands out and is a helpful landmark when getting a taxi to go to work. You just tell them "Megabox" and they know where you need to go.
Tuesday and Thursday we spent the afternoon looking at apartments. Space is at a premium in Hong Kong so most one bedroom apartments are about 500 square feet. We do think that we've found a place we like and should know by Monday if we get it.
I have already embarked on my first trip out of Hong Kong. As I write this post, I am at the Westin Hotel in Dhaka, Bangladesh. My company has an office here and I have a meeting there tomorrow. Being more than a little concerned about the water, I bought three large bottles of water, along with some peanut M&M's and breath mints at the airport. I also brought a variety of healthy snacks - trail mix, granola bars and banana chips. It was dark when we arrived so I didn't get the whole experience yet but I can tell you the traffic was INSANE!! Buses, cars, taxis, these small cars that I think are called tut-tuts and are basically metal cages - motorcycles, bicycles and rickshaws all honking and flashing their lights just fighting to move forward. There are lanes on the road but they seem to be little more than loose guidelines on where to go. There were people riding on top of the buses also. It's quite hot here, so I imagine it's a bit cooler up there. Here's what it's like:

I need to get some sleep now and get ready for tomorrow. Love to all and thanks for following along!
The first week of work was really busy. Lots of meetings. I worked until 6:30 - 7:00 PM Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The office is very quiet. This I am not used to and find a bit disconcerting. My office is NJ is a bustling place where everyone is either on the phone or talking to a colleague about a situation or project. I am finding that I don't like quiet in the workplace and I miss my work peeps a lot. The other difference is that even though I am in Hong Kong, I have quite a bit of dealings with people in our NY office. So it's kind of like being on a 24-hour work cycle. I am reading my emails at ALL hours of the day and night.
This picture is of a place called Megabox.

Hong Kong has got to have more mall/shopping/food emporiums than anywhere in the world. This one is a block away from my office and is filled with shops and restaurants, even an Ikea for when I have a hankering for some Swedish meatballs! It really stands out and is a helpful landmark when getting a taxi to go to work. You just tell them "Megabox" and they know where you need to go.
Tuesday and Thursday we spent the afternoon looking at apartments. Space is at a premium in Hong Kong so most one bedroom apartments are about 500 square feet. We do think that we've found a place we like and should know by Monday if we get it.
I have already embarked on my first trip out of Hong Kong. As I write this post, I am at the Westin Hotel in Dhaka, Bangladesh. My company has an office here and I have a meeting there tomorrow. Being more than a little concerned about the water, I bought three large bottles of water, along with some peanut M&M's and breath mints at the airport. I also brought a variety of healthy snacks - trail mix, granola bars and banana chips. It was dark when we arrived so I didn't get the whole experience yet but I can tell you the traffic was INSANE!! Buses, cars, taxis, these small cars that I think are called tut-tuts and are basically metal cages - motorcycles, bicycles and rickshaws all honking and flashing their lights just fighting to move forward. There are lanes on the road but they seem to be little more than loose guidelines on where to go. There were people riding on top of the buses also. It's quite hot here, so I imagine it's a bit cooler up there. Here's what it's like:
I need to get some sleep now and get ready for tomorrow. Love to all and thanks for following along!